Summer Youth Transition Program
June 1st thru August 11th 2021
During this unprecedented time Ability 1st Utah has continued to stay committed in providing quality services to youth with disabilities. We are entering into our second year with the COVID-19 pandemic, as we move forward with our youth summer program, Ability 1st Utah would like to start providing our youth services onsite again. As we make this shift to onsite activities and classes our center will be implementing the current CDC and state COVID-19 guidelines to protect youth & staff and volunteers. Our center will also elect to continue wearing masks, if you do not have a mask the center will provide a mask for you at each of the activities and classes. Virtual program services will only be offered if classes cannot be onsite, they will be offered through online zoom classes which will include subjects such as; Pre-Employment skills classes, Independent Living soft skills classes, advocacy lessons, disaster preparedness, COVID-19 instructions and social activities will be offered for all eligible students.
Equipment for Virtual Classes option:
Students that do not have Wi-Fi services or equipment like; computer, laptop, tablet or a chrome book available to participate in our optional virtual classes, your student will be given the opportunity to loan out one of these devices with a Hot Spot Jet pack with temporary Wi-Fi services, so that your student can participate in summer youth program activities that are offered if activities are not aviable onsite.
Ground Rules:
In order to keep the onsite & virtual environment safe for all participants there will be some ground rules that we are asking all students to adhere to. The ground rules are as followed:
Online Virtual Rules:
- In order to participate in activities students must connect to zoom through video.
- During lectures and guest presentations we ask that all students participate.
- Respect others right to speak, if someone else is speaking wait for them to stop before you begin
- Keep it clean; sharing and demonstrating crude or indecent behavior will not be tolerated.
- Stay online for the entire session.
Onsite Rules:
- Students will be required to follow COVID-19 requirements set forth by Ability 1st Utah
- Students will be required to provide their own transportation if Center transportation is not available.
- Students will be required to arrive on time and participate in activities and classes.
- Students will be required to address their own self care needs. If they need attendant assistance they can bring their attendant.
The summer program follows a three-strike policy
- upon the 1st strike students are warned about their behavior and parents/ guardians may be notified.
-If a student receives their 2nd strike, students are asked to leave the activity, and will meet with the teacher after class to discuss ways to change the disruptive behavior.
- If a student receives a 3rd strike, the student is asked to leave the class and must contact the teacher to set up a meeting involving both the student and the students’ parents where the student will present a way they plan to change their behavior in the future.

Pre-ETS On-Site Summer Youth Program Instructions
The Following pages address how Ability 1st Utah plans to implement on-site classes. With the safety of both students and staff in mind, the summer youth program will begin on Tuesday June 1st, 2021 and end on August 11, 2021.
On-site classes or activities will have a limit of 23 students.
Events are contingent upon safety and wellness concerns and current state health mandates for group gatherings. Students will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing during activities and classes.
Summer Youth Transition Program
On Site Program Requirements
June 1st thur August 11th 2021
Safety Measures for Attending Ability 1st Utah’s Youth Summer Program 2021
The student’s health and safety is the highest priority of Ability 1st Utah. We ask that if a student has any of the following
symptoms that the student is kept home until they are symptom free.
Following Systems:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss or taste or smell
The following safety precautions will be observed for as long as is necessary:
Staff and students will be given new disposable masks daily. If a student would like to use an N95 mask, these masks are
available upon request.
All students will have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer before they are allowed to enter the building.
Parents/guardians that provide transportation to their student(s) will be asked to wait until their student is allowed into the center before they drive away. If any students have a temperature above 100.4”f/38”C according to CDC guidelines they will be restricted from entry. If the student arrived on the UTA or Utah Valley Transit system Independently, their parent/guardian will be called, and they will be asked to independently return home or they can wait at an area outside the building until a parent/guardian can pick them up.
Parents/guardians must provide a phone number that they can be reached at as well as an alternate emergency contact, in case the student becomes ill or injured while at the center.
Once inside the building, students will have assigned seating at onsite activities that will be held at the center. Each student will
be given a supply bag, which they will utilize for activities and classes, with their name on it, the bags will contain crayons,
scissors, pens, pencils etc. Students will be assigned tissue boxes and hand sanitizer for use at the Center, as well as any other
supplies needed while attending the summer program. The supplies/bags are to remain at the center.
Cleaning: The activity room, restrooms, kitchen, chairs, and tables will be cleaned and sanitized before the students arrive in
the morning and throughout the day as needed.
Students will follow the current COVID-19 distancing requirements by following these guidelines:
Students will be seated at individual tables, with no more than 3 per table which will be 6 feet away from the other table in any
direction. Students will be encouraged to maintain the 6 feet distancing rule while at the Center.
Ability 1st Utah will be providing limited transportation to and from the classes and activities. Were are encourageing parents to
assist with some of the transportation, this will help to ensoure everyone’s participation. Also the center will be providing
transporation to a limited numbers due to the COVID-19 restrictions which will be followed. Masks will be required on the
center vans, and most of the indoor activities. Students will travel at alternating times so that there are no more than 6
students on the bus at a time. Public transportation to and from the center will be up to the student to get their
On site Cooking Classes: Any Cooking class that will be held onsite students will be required to social distance during the class, food will be provided for the class, and the class may include a possible trip to one grocery store if restrictions allow.
Food & Lunches: On designated activities Ability 1st Utah will provide lunches. If it is safe, there may be occasional opportunities
to eat at a fast food restaurant. Food for snacks will be provided by the center and every effort will be made to keep food
individualized. If your student has food allergies or special food requirements make sure to list them on the application.
Other outings will be scheduled as community opportunities become available, but could include: Examples;
Deseret Industries Employment Center
Job Sites
Pottery Maker
Handwashing/COVID-19 safety:
Instruction will be given on the first day of class in the COVID-19 CDC guidelines and will be reinforced throughout the program.
Supplies will be provided by Ability 1st Utah for washing and sanitizing hands.
Pre-Employment Summer Youth Program 2021
New Student Application