Board & Staff Members

Ability 1st Utah Board of Directors provides center governance and direction for the center. Board members are volunteers from communities in our centers service area.

As a federal mandate membership of our Board of Directors must be at least 51% individuals with disabilities. The Board of Directors meets once a month except for July and December no Board meetings are held on these months.

The Board meetings are held every third Thursday of each month at the Center. If you are interested in becoming a Board member or would like more formation about Ability 1st Utah Board of Directors, please call Sandra at 801-373-5044.

Board Members

Troy Hymer


Kylee Powell


Kameron Kieffer


Chad Snelson


Bradley Johnson


Robert Jones


Gary Jensen


Trudy Brereton


Scott Payne


Ron Stakebake III


Board Orientation Manual

If you are a Board Member: 

Staff Members

Sandra M. Curcio

Executive Director:

The Director oversees and manages the day to day operations of     Ability 1st Utah, all human resources activities, marketing and advertising of center, grant writing & fundraising activities as well as ensures that the Centers mission and goals are accomplished.

E-mail: [email protected] /Phone: 801-850-5561

Daniel Lee

Receptionist/Inventory Manager:

Responsibilities is to implement receptionist duties in the pm hours, implements Information and Referral activities, provides light options counseling activities, light secretarial duties for the Executive Director, orders and tracks the office supplies and tracks the office inventory.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-373-5044


Jhilma Miranda

Case Management Supervisor/ Independent Living Specialist:

Responsibilities are case management services for consumers, are to develop and maintain Consumers` Service Records, Implements Core services with consumers, provides options counseling, and also supports and supervises designated staff members in light human resource activities.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-850-5557/ Cell: 385-224-0483

Cheryl Campbell

Fiscal Officer/Bookkeeper:

The Fiscal Officer/ Bookkeeper is responsible to manage all of the financial data enties into the Quick books accounting software program.  The fiscal officer also works with the Executive Director in managing all of the centers budgets and completes all Accounts Payable activities and many other activities. They also work with the Executive Director, assisting them with quality improvement and reporting activities.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-850-5558

Janine Culver

Ticket To Work Employment Coordinator/Community Partner Work Incentive Counselor/ ADA Advocate :

Responsibilities are to Implement all activities for the employment network, by working with Social Security beneficiaries providing support services to beneficiaries ages 18 to 64 years of age assisting them through out the process in returning to work or  in maintaining their current employment.  Our Employment Coordinator is a certified Community Partner Work Incentive Counelor (CPWIC), that can provide benefits counseling to beneficiaries wanting to return to work, and need additional information on how working will affect their current benefits and what other incentives are in place to protect beneficiaries through out this process.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-850-5560/ Cell: 801-372-8902

Angel Cortes

Marketing Outreach Coordinator/ ADA Specialist:

Responsibilities are to implement Center outreach activities informing the public about the services provided by the center, ADA technical support for local business, and support to consumers on ADA issues. The Marketing Communications Coordinator will work with the Executive Director to oversee the preparation and submission of mandated Federal and State reports, fulfilling contractual requirements of the programs and services and the timeline for submission and write grants to bring in additional revenue to the center etc.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-850-5569

Wendy Hansen

Independent Living Specialist/ Nursing Home Transition:

Responsibilities are to implement (Transition) services to individuals with disabilities living in a long term care facilities to improve capacity for community living, develop & maintain consumer service records, implement five core services, provide options counseling, increase community supports for consumers at risk of nursing home placement (Diversion) activities for center consumers in the Sanpete and Juab County areas.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 435-283-4949

Vanessa Ruiz

Life Skills Trainer/Community Integration Coordinator:

Responsibilities are to Implement Life Skills Classes, Community Integration Activities & Case Management services for the Adult programs. They Coordinate with other staff members to determine the classes and activities  that will be added to 2 monthly calendars in the center’s newsletter. They also work on developing the class content and work with volunteers and staff  to determine who will be teaching the classes. They will give them guideance and instruction on teaching the classes when necessary. The Community Integration Coordinator works on developing the monthly activities for the adult consumers, which goes into the newsletter.  They will all be a case manager, who will be  responsible to develop new and maintain consumer service records for each individuals they are responsible to assist.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-372-3788

Deon Anderson

Independent Living Specialist/ Nursing Home Transition:

Responsibilities are to implement (Transition) services to individuals with disabilities living in a long term care facilities to improve capacity for community living, develop & maintain consumer service records, implement five core services, provide options counseling, increase community supports for consumers at risk of nursing home placement (Diversion) activities for center consumers.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-602-6217

Camille Purcell

Outreach Support Specialist:

Pilot Program as of September 2022. Responsibilities are to develop, network and partner with local resources to deliver services to seniors and individuals experiencing barriers in accessing resources. Addressing the needs of long-term effects of COVID-19.  Develop & maintain Outreach Service records as well as an Assistance Directory. Provide knowledge of available assistance and resources to the underserved population, assist our community partners in creating health equity for all. Support public health and wellbeing of seniors and individuals experiencing barriers to gain ability to fully participate in life’s activities.

E-mail: Phone: 801- 850-5565 ext. 209

Meagan Wedge

Youth Program Coordinator:

Responsibilities are to Implement Life Skills Classes, Community Integration Activities & Case Management services for the youth & Adult programs. They will teach youth life skills to assist them to transition from school to community living, and they will teach adults life skills to maintain & increase their independence, and develop and maintain Consumer Services Records for all consumers, as well as implement the five core services to the youth and adults, working with youth in transition services, developing leadership skills, develop youth calendars for classes and activities.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 385-375-1370

Craig Ezzell

Youth Transition Specialist:

The Youth Transition Specialist is a new position that started March of 2017. Per Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Pre-Employment Transition services they will provide students with disabilities ( ages 14 through 21) years of age, opportunities to improve workplace skills, explore career interests, and obtain work experience in the area of Sanpete and Juab counties.

Email: [email protected] / Phone: 435-283-4949

Allyson Chamberlain

Youth Program Coordinator:

Responsibilities are to Implement Life Skills Classes, Community Integration Activities & Case Management services for the youth & Adult programs. They will teach youth life skills to assist them to transition from school to community living, and they will teach adults life skills to maintain & increase their independence, and develop and maintain Consumer Services Records for all consumers, as well as implement the five core services to the youth and adults, working with youth in transition services, developing leadership skills, develop youth calendars for classes and activities.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-850-5562 

Robert Jordan

Equipment Manager/ Van Driver:

Responsibilities are to maintain, organize and keep an accurate inventory of the Assistive Technology loan bank equipment, distribute and pickup equipment from consumers and community donors, provide Transportation to and from Center activities  for consumers, coordinate maintenance of Center vehicles.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-722-8148

Jaiden Melendrez

Assistive Technology Coordinator:

Responsibilities are to provide Assistive Technology evaluation services to consumers, implement Assistive Technology follow-up activities, cultivate working relationships with Vendors and other agencies, provide evaluation services to V.R. clients.

E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: 801-850-5559

Horacio Ochoa

Van Driver:

Responsibilities are to provide transportation for our consumers to the activities that we offer through our Community Integration Program.

Email: [email protected] / Phone: 801-494-9739