Ability 1st Utah Employment Services

Ability 1st Utah is a National Employment Network under the Ticket to Work Program.

Everyone age 18 through 64 who receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits because of his or her disability is eligible to participate in the Ticket to Work program. Participation in the Ticket to Work program is free and voluntary.

Ticket to Work can help you achieve greater financial independence by providing you access to free employment support services.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Everyone age 18 through 64
  • Receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits
  • Beneficiaries who want to work towards financial independence

Three ways on how do I get started?

One way you can start the process to be part of the Ticket to Work program is to call Ability 1st Utah Employment Services at 801- 850-5560 and make an appointment with our Employment Coordinator. You can also fill out the online application and answer all the questions and submit the form in the Apply for the Ticket to Work section down below. Also, you can come to the Center and set an appointment with our Employment Coordinator.

Watch the following video to learn more about the Ticket to Work Program:

Meet Ben Video: 

Apply to the Ticket to Work

WISE Webinar Resources

Work Incentives Seminar Event (WISE) Webinars


If you are interested in learning about the Ticket to Work program or Work Incentives, you can attend a free Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) online webinar.


Work Incentives

Trial Work Period (TWP)

SSDI recipients only

Trial Work Period (TWP) SSDI recipients only. The TWP allows you to test your ability to work for at least nine months. During your TWP, you will receive full SSDI benefits no matter how much you earn as long as your work activity is reported and you have a disabling impairment.

Expedited Reinstatement (EXR)

SSDI and SSI recipients

If your benefits stopped because of your earnings level, and you are no longer able to work because of your medical condition or one related to it, you can request to have your benefits reinstated without having to complete a new application.

Protection from Medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR)

SSDI and SSI recipients

If you assign your ticket to an approved service provider before you receive notice of a medical CDR, you will not have to undergo the medical review while you are participating in the Ticket program and making progress within Social Security’s timeframes.

Medicare and Medicaid Employment Supports

Many people believe that they will automatically lose their Medicare or Medicaid as soon as they start working.

But working does not necessarily mean losing access to federal or state healthcare benefits because there are protections in place, called Work Incentives, that help people who work and receive disability benefits keep those important benefits.

Contact the Ticket to Work Coordinator at Ability 1st Utah to learn more about these work incentives.

The Social Security Administration have six tutorials that you can watch to help you learn more about the Ticket to Work Program!

Ability 1st Utah Employment Services offers the following services:

  • Work Incentive counseling and tracking
  • Skills and interest testing with tutorials
  • Resources to facilitate employment
  • Resume writing/cover letters/interviewing skills
  • Job Search
  • Placement assistance
  • Job accommodation advice when needed
  • Case management, including life management
  • Post-employment services including upward mobility and career enhancement
  • Advocacy/Peer Support
  • We are a full employment service provider
  • All employment services are geared toward community based, integrated-employment

For more information, please contact:

Ticket To Work Employment Coordinator/Community Partner Work Incentive Counselor/ ADA Advocate:

Janine Culver

Email: [email protected] / Direct line: 801-850-5560 

Cell: 801-372-8902

Wendy Hansen

Email: [email protected] /Phone: 435-283-4949

Cell: 435-340-1145

Daniel Lee

Front Line Receptionist
