Ability 1st Utah
2021 Summer Youth Program
June 1st– Aug. 13th, Thursdays and Fridays
Program agenda may change if needed. The Youth Summer Program goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable place to develop work, and independent living skills for students with disabilities.
Independent Living Youth Summer Program 2021
Ability 1st Utah 2021 Summer Youth Program
Questions and Answers
- Who is the summer program designed for? Young adults between the ages of 17 to 30. They should be able to demonstrate a basic self-sufficiency or have someone from home accompany them as a personal attendant. They should independently be able to take care of their toilet, feeding, and dressing needs. They should be socially appropriate and able to function with a 1 to 5 staff to consumer ratio.
- Where will the youth spend their time in the summer program? They will spend their time engaged in a combination of Life Skills classes, Pre-Employment workshops, community integration activities and community resources guidance. Some activities will be outside of Utah County.
- What time of the day will the activities be held and how long will they last? Most of the activities will be on Thursday and Friday and will last for 4 hours, usually from 10:00am to 3:00pm. If the activity last longer than the hours mentioned, we will inform you. This will allow for them to get back home before or around 4:30 pm.
- What about transportation to the Ability 1st Utah Center? We promote independence and therefore transportation to the center will be provided for those who need it.
- What about meals? For activities Ability 1st Utah will provide lunch or snacks for the youth.
- What kind of training will my youth receive? In addition to the social outings, the youth will receive training in the following areas: communication, organizational skills, community integration, self-care, self-advocacy, pre-employment readiness.
- What kind of supervision will the youth have while at Ability 1st Utah? There are four staff members over the whole group. Staff work in groups of 2, and we aim for a staff to consumer ratio of 1 to 5. The youth’s safety and well-being are our most important concerns.
- How much does it Cost? There is no official cost of attendance, but we do ask that all parents who can donate to the center of $50, do so. This donation is used to cover a small portion of the costs of food, transportation, and activities. Donations ease up funds for ability 1st to allow more individuals to participate, and allows us to do additional activities.
For more information
in regards of the
2021 Youth Summer Program:
Please contact:
Youth Coordinator
Taylor Peck
Direct Number: (801) 850-5566
Cell: (385) 375-1370
1455 W 820 N, Provo Utah, 84601
Facility Number: (801) 373-5044