Ability 1st Utah 2019 Events


Ability 1st Utah wants to help people with disabilities break barriers that they might be facing and transforming them into tools that will help them have meaningful and satisfactory lives. 

                              The following are some of our activities and classes that we had this year:

Ability 1st Utah March Open House at UVU

Advocates First 05-01-2019

Advocates First 06-05-2019

Advocates First 09-04-2019

Advocates First 12-11-2019

Arts & Crafts 10-09-2019

Arts & Crafts 11-22-2019


Bridal Veil Falls

Camping Trip

Christmas Party 

Cooking Class

Disability and Blindness Workshop

Halloween party 

Hogle Zoo Trip

Sewing Class

Spring Dance

Springville Art Museum

UTA Training 

Youth Cooking Class