Run, Walk or Roll
Events 2020
Ability 1st Utah 2020 Events Ability 1st Utah wants to help people with disabilities break barriers that they might be facing and transforming them into tools that will help them have meaningful and satisfactory lives. The...
Core Services Focus
Dreaming of summer during a very cold January? Summer may seem far away but now is the time to make plans for all of the fun things we'll do and the amazing activities we'll have this year. Bring your ideas, thoughts, inspiration and most importantly yourself to our...
There are two important Advocacy dates to remember this month. There will be an opportunity to learn more about systems advocacy and how to have an effective role in important issues. That knowledge can be applied to explain needs and priorities that will continue...
Consumer Page
This is a test, this is where the content goes
Ability 1st Utah will be there every step of the way!
All types of Awareness
No matter where you come from or form of disability, this is the place for you. From learning critical skills to meeting new people, Ability 1st Utah can help.
Stay Informed
Stay involved with all of Ability 1st Utah events. By becoming involved with our events, you can learn and grow with people just like you.
Health = Happiness
There is no need to be alone in this world. Here at Ability 1st Utah, we come together to learn about independent living and how to live a healthy life.
Become a Volunteer
We are always looking for volunteers. Whether it be office work or helping at one of our events, any help is great appreciated. Apply now to become a volunteer.
Videos about Ability 1st Utah:
Ability 1st Utah’s Informational Video
KSL Studio 5 Interview
Signup Today For Employment Services
We can help you find the perfect job for you and your lifestyle.
Independent Living Programs Statewide:
Below are important information for the public to know:
Contact us
Monday- Thursday: 7:30 am-4:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am-1:30 pm